Elizabeth McPhail



We are becoming more aware of the enormity of the fashion industry’s social and environmental impact, however, our fashion consumption continues to increase exponentially every year. Share Wear aims to provide an alternative solution for users to reduce their clothing consumption whilst still enjoying fashion.

I have designed a ‘social system’ that connects users together. Taking the form of an app, it facilitates the borrowing and lending of clothing between users. The exchanges are short-term; for a specific event, a holiday or just the weekend. The strategy focuses on nurturing intrinsic values of creativity and social connection, which inspire long-term change.

As a designer, I am drawn towards ‘wicked’ problems and find value in creating solutions with a wider impact. Share Wear provides unique benefits to the user beyond reduced clothing consumption giving it the potential to make a sustained, positive impact on the problem of clothing waste.

Bachelor of Design

Visual Communication


Share Wear aims to provide an alternative solution for users to reduce their clothing consumption whilst still enjoying fashion.
Users choose a badge to describe their experience wearing an item.
The Share Wear app.


Block 12
Level E

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