A three-part observational documentary series, The Muse Project focuses on New Zealand creative practitioners and the unique artistic experiences that occur as a result of a single source of inspiration - “the muse” - the conduit between the creator and their art. Exploring the work of makers, Dr. Bridget Johnson, Bonnie Howland, and Carl Gifford, The Muse Project delves into the beauty and struggles of each artist’s process, the deeper concepts within creating and the inspirations for creative practice more broadly.
Mela drives her creativity through visual story-telling. She has always had a love for film and documentaries, which has inspired her ability to bring creative pieces to life. She sees herself as an influencer, specialising in commercial content. Capturing real moments in life is her ultimate goal.
Bachelor of Creative Media Production
Creative Media Production

Mela Bates (editor)

Busy on set
Block 1
Level D