ReKAI explores how I can motivate people to consciously begin to think and act upon our impact on our surroundings, whether that be social, environmental or economic sustainability. By tackling the largest sector of waste in all landfills, Food. Understanding that everyone contributes to this problem and utilising the idea that every kitchen has a waste bin that can be replaced with an indoor composting system, it creates the opportunity to turn something with no value into something that does. To gradually make a change for our collective home, but more importantly for ourselves as an individual.
Through my design criteria that was informed from my participants and interviews, each design decision was made according to the needs, wants and factors that I must incorporate into an indoor composting system.
My product conjoins several mechanisms to allow for as minimal extra efforts/actions to fit within the users routine, to raise awareness about sustainability, and the users emotional experience to reduce food waste within the kitchen, whilst optimising space and productivity.
Bachelor of Design (Hons)

ReKAI indoor composting system to aid in the flow of your kitchen in relation to food waste.

Reduces odour, customise shelving in terms of the users fundamental utilities and wants.