Basketball is arguably the world’s most popular indoor team sport, and basketball shoes the most important and innovative product connected with this game. The benefits of innovative shoe design, for professional basketball players, include reduced injury rates, less energy expenditure and enhanced athletic performance. However, while the large number of professional players presents footware manufacturers with a commercial market, basketball shoes are no longer the exclusive domain of the basketball player, but have migrated into global fashion.
My aim, in this design research project, was to improve the usability, desirability and sustainability of the basketball shoe for professional basketball players in the guard position. I did this by analysing and modifying selected features of existing basketball shoes. The modification further involved improving and reducing the components and processes involved in the manufacture and material selection. The product research and design connected aspects of industrial design to fashion design and sport science.
Master of Design

“The nature of smooth”: If this shoe is developed and manufactured as I have designed, “The Nature of Smooth” is the next step in the evolution of the basketball shoe.

Breathable, flexible, engineered knitted fabric and auto lock system.
Block 12
Level C