Rachel Binnie



Dedicated to Mary and Vincent Gray.

Lived together, died together.

Proposed for 2027, Wairua is a speculative project that engages an ageing Baby Boomer audience with the past, present and future chapters of their life story. This project aims to prevent the psychological decline and social isolation that currently occurs in the retirement home setting. For a future technology-driven world, Wairua acknowledges Baby Boomers basic technological fluency and uses it as an opportunity to implement a simple, refined social system that connects them with themselves and loved ones. Wairua focuses on the journey approaching death and more specifically uses reflection of one’s life as a tool to mitigate the effects of dementia and sustain psychological wellbeing. 

Bachelor of Design (Hons)

Visual Communication
This Wairua device acts as an archive of a Baby Boomers' life story which operates as a tool to connect them with themselves and others. This image demonstrates the way the user receives their Wairua. 
This image captures a still of the Wairua homepage. In reality it is an animation that appeals to the user and embodies the idea of a user’s life story. 
Just one style Wairua is available in. Different styles cater better for different physical and cognitive ability. This image communicates how the Baby Boomer could wear the device. 


Block 12
Level E

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