Kiwis Can Fly is a fun and adorable 3D animated mini-series for young children, which follows a determined little Kiwi named Kori who dreams of flying through the trees of Punanga Park. Undeterred by the restrictions of his anatomy, Kori endeavors to be the first kiwi to fly ever! With his innate DIY know-how and the help of his best friend, Moemoe the Takehe, Kori believes he can cure his flightlessness with a little kiwi ingenuity.
This is Tom Zhang, and I am responsible for the Modelling, Texturing and Look Development for our group project. It includes making our 3D characters and a great amount of environment assets. To create all the assets within limited time while keep reasonable quality, I have explored a lot of new methods of modelling and texturing to speed up my process, including photogrammetry, procedural modelling, procedural texturing, and others.
Bachelor of Creative Media Production
Creative Media Production
Group Project
Personal Project
Block 1
Level D